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Windows 11, how to unlock God Mode and what it is for

One of the main improvements in Windows 11 is the new Settings screen, which is better organized than in the previous version. In terms of versatility, however, it is still inferior to the dear old Control Panel, and some options present here are missing on the more modern interface. To the rescue comes God Mode, a screen that the user can easily activate.

God Mode is nothing more than a configuration page that allows the user to quickly access all the advanced customization and configuration tools, system features and much more. All this in a single screen organized in the old way: an option for each line, with a style that is perhaps obsolete but that over the years has always proven to be one of the most effective.

What is God Mode in Windows 11, and how to activate it

To access God Mode on Windows 11 you simply need to create a folder on the Desktop and rename it to:


Once done you will need to double-click on the new icon to access the God Mode screen, which will be presented inside a File Explorer window. Similarly you can use the trick to quickly access other settings screens of which we give some examples below:

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