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  • Writer's pictureonebattery


According to Flurry Analytics, a company that specializes in application performance analysis, an overwhelming majority of iPhone owners are opting out of this ad tracking through the notification that apps are now required to display.

The company has indeed put online a daily observatory - based on the study of more than 5 million users - to track the acceptance and refusal rate in the United States and globally.

Since April 26, when iOS 14.5 was rolled out, only 11% to 12% of notifications have received a favorable outcome. In total, therefore, between 88 and 89% of access requests have been denied. The figure is even higher in the United States, with an average of 96% of denials.

These notifications, which ask users for permission to track their "activities in apps and on other companies' websites" offer two choices: "Ask the app not to track my activities" or "Allow".

To stop tracking, users can respond negatively to this request, but also have the option to automatically block tracking from all apps by going to settings > privacy > tracking, then unchecking the "Allow app tracking requests" box. A manipulation that only 5% of iPhone users on iOS 14.5 have done, according to Flurry Analytics.

For online advertising giants, who will have to make a cross on a large - and very profitable - amount of personal data to refine their ads, this update calls into question part of their business.

Some of the most affected giants, such as Facebook, Instagram, but also Vinted, are preceding the notification with a message written by them and threatening to charge users if too many of them refuse the tracking.

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